...c'è un tempo fuori che mette una certa allegria, per cui un'incontenibile gioia mi ha ispirato una canzoncina sbarazzina...
it's funny how memories flow
when you think it could be over
so painful how all regrets rise
and keep you down as hope vanishes
my hand reaches out for all the things
that seem to fade into black shades
suspended hours just feel eternal
and words are frozen down in my throat
a broken clock is timing days
and purple skies do overlook my road
as i stand dumb and pale and lost
seeking with wet eyes the boundary of this waiting
it's bitter how one keeps on dreaming
the very words that could break grief
that look, that smile, the rescuing hug
but once awake all turns to tears
if you should go beyond that line
i beg my heart to grow straight stony
as i stand dumb and pale and lost
staring with wet eyes at the gloomy end of this waiting
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